Different Blood Disorders and their diagnosis

Different Blood Disorders and their diagnosis

Blood Cells circulate inside our blood vessels. They perform different functions and are hugely vital for right working of our body. One of the kinds of blood cells is Red Blood Cells also known as Erythrocytes. They transport oxygen from lungs to different part of body and carbon dioxide from tissues to lungs so that process of expiration takes place. Then there are White Blood Cells also known as Leukocytes. They are akin to defense gate. They protect the body during times of infection or any other kind of harm. Their number drastically increases and this sends a signal that something is wrong. Another kind of blood cells is Platelets also known as Thrombocytes. They help in blood clotting mechanism. Whenever bleeding happens due to any reason they forms clots at places where there is damage to blood vessels.

Knowing about Blood Cell Disorders

The Blood Cells are made in bone marrow. From there they are released in blood stream. Life span of RBCs is 120 days, WBCs is 13-20 days and Platelets is 8-9 days. If any issue crops up with affects their production, release, function, circulation and destruction this is regarded as disorder of that kind of cell.

RBC Disorders

Anemia- Fall in number of RBCs, low Hemoglobin and low Hematocrit, this is anemia. Classic symptoms of anemia are fatigue, difficulty to concentrate, dizziness, increased heart rate and muscle weakness. Anemia is divided on basis on reasons.

  • Iron Deficiency Anemia
  • Anemia of Chronic Disease 
  • Thalassemia- It is a genetic condition in which gene responsible for normal production of hemoglobin is mutated so hemoglobin is not produced in sufficient quantity.
  • Vitamin Deficiency Anemia: When there is deficiency in vitamin B12 it leads to Pernicious Anemia. 
  • Sickle Cell Anemia- This is a disease in which protein complex of the hemoglobin chain is altered because of faulty genes. This is a genetic condition.
  • Polycythemia Vera- In this excessive number of red blood cells are produced in the body. Plasma is less than the cells. This is cancer of Red Blood Cells. Symptoms of polycythemia vera are red face, needless clot formation in blood etc. This can lead to stroke.

Also Read: The Different Effects Of Your Body Posture On The Blood Pressure!

WBC s Disorders

Five kinds of White Blood Cells are:

  • Neutrophils
  • Basophils
  • Eosinophils 
  • Lymphocytes
  • Monocytes

 They work in a coordinated way and inform body on event of threat.  WBCs safeguard against bacterial and viral infections. When there is increase in WBCs it is known as Leukocytosis. Any decrease in WBCs is alarming and the condition is called Leukoenia. General symptoms are: fatigue, weight loss, malaise and regular infections. 

  • Leukemia- This is cancer of the bone marrow cells.
  • Lymphoma: This is cancer of lymphoid tissue which lies outside bone marrow.

Platelets’ Disorders

 Platelets are necessary for clot formation. A mesh is formed at inhibit bleeding so that excessive blood loss does not happen.

Thrombocytosis- This happens when body produces large number of platelets. It can lead to stroke, ischemic heart episodes etc

Thrombocytopenia- This happens when platelets are less in number. If the bleeding does not stop it can be fatal.

So these are some of the different kinds of blood disorders.