Five Important To-dos to Sell Your Old Bike To a Genuine Buyer

Five Important To-dos to Sell Your Old Bike To a Genuine Buyer

To sell an old bike online can be the toughest situation for a bike owner. There are a lot of things that encircle it. Selling an old bike is tough due to many reasons. It includes;

  • Firstly, the bike is your sole companion while you travel to various places.
  • Secondly, you have an emotional connection with the bike.
  • Thirdly, you need to find a good deal on your bike.
  • Fourthly, you must figure out which platform you’ll choose and why?
  • Fifthly, to find out which is the best way to get you a guaranteed sale for your old bike?

All these need to be figured out as you decide on selling an old bike. There are certain important things that you need to take into consideration as you choose to sell your old bike. Let’s dive into those points where you’ll get a good idea of how to make your bike ready for sale!

1: Clean your Bike Thoroughly

It is necessary to clean your bike. As you sell your bike online, you have to make sure that your bike is cleaned properly. You can do it at home if you are conversant with it.

Clean at Home: Take a bucket of water and liquid soap to clean your bike. All you need to do is to wash it with a soft cloth and wash off the dirt. To remove the loose dirt, you must rinse the bike thoroughly with cool water. Using a sponge or a soft cloth is a good idea. You can use the plastic parts while using a cloth or sponge dampened with the solution of mild detergent and water. After the proper cleaning, you can rinse the motorcycle thoroughly with plenty of water.

In other cases, if you feel you lack the time or the bike needs a deep cleaning, you should take it for bike servicing.

2: Give your Bike a New Fix

Before you end up putting your bike for sale, the wisest thing to do is give it a good fix. You need to understand what fix means here. There are small or large fixes, scratches that can be treated as small fixes, and big dents that are caused by accidents or related cases. If your bikes have anything similar, you should fix them before putting them up for sale. Check the used bikes for tire flats, rusted mirrors, and even extra bucks required to make your bike appealing.

Also Read: Top Reasons to Get Your Bike Serviced On Time

3: Take Good Pictures of Your Bike

The best way to sell your bike online is through a platform. In that case, you’ll have to take many pictures and put them up online. Before buying every detail of the bike, the customers would explore the pictures. An attractive image does wonders! So take that opportunity and start taking great images of your bike before listing it on the online portals.

4: Finding the Right Buyer

If you plan to sell your bike in Pune, you must figure out which platform you choose. There are many platforms where selling bikes is quite easy. Let’s take the example of CredR. If you are choosing this platform, you would be required to submit the bike details. A free inspection is booked at home, and a fair deal is offered after evaluating your bike. The agreed amount is transferred to the seller’s account in a couple of days. The best part with this brand is that you do not have to consider the buyers. You can enjoy a guaranteed sale.

Also Read: Why are Motorcycles Better than Cars? Here’s the Reason Why!

5: Get your Bike Serviced and Documents ready

It is important to get your bike a service checkup. Sometimes a basic regular bike checkup is crucial to get a good price for your bike. You need to keep all the documents ready for a perfect sale. Keep the bike servicing papers and receipts to get a good deal out of your old bike for sale in Pune.

Is it a Good Idea to Sell Old Bike and Purchase a Second Hand Bike?

Of course, selling your old or second hand bike in Pune is a good idea, and purchasing a used bike in Pune again. Especially if you have budget constraints or need a vehicle to move from one place to another, then why not a second hand bike can do it! Choose CredR to make your purchase good. You can sell Second hand bikes and even buy second hand bikes in Pune from them. The bikes are refurbished to retain good quality, offering a new bike feel and look.

Hope this article sorted many questions that triggered in your mind. These parameters will help you to sell old bikes easily and quickly.