What Is the Difference Between Sadness And Depression!

What Is the Difference Between Sadness And Depression!

Sometimes you would have observed that some of your close relatives showing mood changes over a period of time. You become confused and start to think how such a cheerful person can become sad and unresponsive. Sometimes, when people face some personal tragedy or face situations which they have no control over they start feeling sad. They remain in this state for a short time and recover fast. 

Some Major Differences!

Prolonged sadness can lead to depression. There is a little difference between being sad and being depressed. People who are sad come out of that state fast with little lifestyle changes while those who are depressed are not able to come out of it with minor changes. Depression requires medical attention and therapy. The treatment process is quite long and it needs to be monitored regularly. But with timely help people can be brought back to normal. 

Some people who are depressed think that they are sad and vice versa. Only medical professionals can understand the difference between the two. Both states need treatment but for sadness it might go away after some days. Continuous mood swings is not observed in people suffering from sadness. 

Almost all people feel sad at some point in their life. It is how you react when faced with a trauma. It fades away with time and it is just a passing phase. It is this major aspect which makes sadness different from depression. 

Depression is very different from sadness and it is a long term mental illness and it affects social and occupational functioning of an individual. It may stay for a longer time and treatment is very essential for a depressed person. 

Symptoms Of Sadness

  • Feeling sad at times.
  • Able to get out of it and enjoy good company.
  • Not long lasting. 
  • Responds well to some minor lifestyle changes. 
  • Sadness does not last long. Maximum a month. 

Symptoms Of Depression

  • Fatigue.
  • Changes in eating pattern.
  • Irritability. 
  • Changes in sleeping pattern. Either not sleeping at all or sleeping too much. 
  • Losing interest to do any activity. Loss of interest to do one’s favourite activity. 
  • Experiencing body aches with no specific reason. 
  • Suicidal thoughts. 
  • Feelings of guilt. 
  • Feeling worthless. 
  • Stop caring about self. 
  • Appearing numb or unresponsive. 
  • Becoming agitated easily. 
  • Gain or lose weight. 

The Risk Factors For Depression

People who have faced abuse in their younger days or who face acceptance issues suffer from depression. Sometimes loss of a loved one or some bi polar disorder may also cause depression. Chronic illness and lack of support system are also the risk factors. Some drugs can also induce depression. Statins used to treat cholesterol and hormonal medicines are some which cause depression. 


A medical professional will be able to identify it easily by asking a person to fill out a questionnaire. He may also ask for some blood tests to be done and diagnose the problem. 


Depression can be treated and the patient can be cured. Some medicines are prescribed and counselling and therapy can also be administered. A trusted family member need to accompany the patient to make him or her feel wanted. With continuous counselling a patient experiences better mood and over a period of time he is able to come out of it. 

Never let a person feel lonely and help the person do any activity what he once liked. Include physical activity as it will boost your mood and it makes a person physically active and alert. Set a routine and stick to that so that your life becomes manageable. 

People suffering from sadness can be made cheerful with some minor lifestyle changes. Physical activity and eating healthy help in both the cases. Sleep is also of paramount importance in both cases. People suffering from depression do not feel like sleeping at all or they oversleep. They lack motivation and getting up and performing even their daily activities becomes a struggle. 

Some Types Of Depression

Major Depression

Here a person loses interest in everything. He is depressed all the time. Exhibits suicidal tendencies. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder

This is mostly seen in people living in cold countries and it manifests during winter. 

Postpartum Depression

Some new mothers face this after delivery and it can go on for about 2 years. They are guilt driven that they are not able to care for themselves. 

So both the conditions can be cured with effective treatment.

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